Karl Bushby


Karl Bushby began his adult life as a British Paratrooper.  From a military family with a deep military heritage, Karl joined the army as a junior soldier at 16 years old. He would serve for 12 years before leaving the army to embark on life’s next great adventure, the Goliath Expedition. 

Adventure had been, and still is, an important part of Karls's life. For as long as he can remember he has had a fascination with horizons. Whilst serving with the British army he had the opportunity to visit distant horizons all over the world, fueling his passion and dreams. 


Adventure had been, and still is, an important part of Karls's life. For as long as he can remember he has had a fascination with horizons. Whilst serving with the British army he had the opportunity to visit distant horizons all over the world, fueling his passion and dreams. 

Based on the white cliffs of Dover for his final years in the army, the last horizons Karl found himself pondering on, were the distant shores of continental Europe. The distant shores of France. where he one day dreamed of standing looking back across the English Channel at that naive young paratrooper on the other side trying to imagine what it would take to one day make it around the world to the coast of France.  

At the end of 1997 Karl left the army to begin the ultimate adventure. Eight months later he stood on a lonely road in the town of Punta Arenas Chile, at the southern most point of South America, the furthest point from his home. On the first of November 1998, looking north, down that 35,000-mile road that crisp Chilean morning, he was no longer seeking adventure. With no support or sponsors and with only U$500 in his pocket, and with, at best, 12 years between him and home, adventure was coming at him like a tsunami. 

With just two simple rules to define the journey; no using transport to advance and no going home until he made it on foot, the determined ex-soldier took his first steps into the unknown…

the Goliath Expedition